Toqqortat II (Working Title)
Short summary
In 2010, by the initiative of the organisation Circus Arts, the Circus Effects Network (CEN) was formed. A network of seven countries, seven organisations with similar forms of expressions and a wish to share and develop the artforms of rigging and pyrotechnics. Together we have decided to create TOQQORTAT. A hybrid project of different artforms and influences, a trip and a goal with equal value. A process where learning and perspectives gained during the creation are of as much value as the final show itself.
In 2009 Burnt Out Punks created the Nordic network Circus Effects Networks. This cooperation resulted in Toqqorat. The largest outdoor show ever performed in Greenland. A mix between…. Story telling techniques, circus, mask dance, scenography in collaboration with indigenous art forms with focus on inuit culture. The success was great and the spin-offs in terms of new projects and friendships is immeasurable. BUT…we did receive one big critique. Why was the show only performed in the capital of Greenland and not all of Greenland. So we promised to come back...
Nordic-Arctic Arts Network
We now intend to create a new network with the intention to create Toqqortat II. ”Nordic-Arctic Arts Network”. We will create a platform with the goal of de-colonize through pro-mobilization in the Nordic and arctic region. Through co-operation of indigenious nations and Nordic countries we wish to connect through travel and art. We want the network to be the motor of sharing, understanding and learning. By re-tracing the old Viking routes from Sweden and Norway to Shetland islands, Faroe islands by Island and then tour the coasts of Greenland and finally the coasts of Canada we wish to build bridges between cultures and share/find our common interest and goals.
We will co-operate with established groups in 7 different countries. At this point contact has been made with Galapiat Cirque (France) and Dynamo Circus (Denmark) The core of the project will be a ship that will retrace the sailing routes of old. A core-group of 5-8 people and the ship crew will travel the whole way. Along the trip artists, project workers and scientists will hop-on and hop off. Each stop and each show will therefore be different. The show and the project will develop and change as the project proceeds. New meetings and connections will be made along the whole route.